Corporate Workshops - Creative Approaches to Sustainability

A programme of workshops and activities, exploring mindsets and behaviours towards sustainability, through creative approaches

The Sitting Down Bit:

Talk on creative approaches to sustainability

Here we explore accessible and sustainable ways to approach ethical lifestyles. We look at motivation and strengthening mindsets, creative pathways to overcoming challenges and recalibrating attitudes towards positivity and enjoyment for sustainable living.


The Playing Bit:

Carbon Footprint Game

A higher/lower game for everyday actions/purchases and their carbon footprints, entitled ‘How Bad Are Bananas?’ This game acts as a gateway to conversation and finding out all of the different aspects that have caused that particular carbon footprint. Led by one of our experienced game facilitators with sustainability expertise.

The Getting Up Bit:

Tasks and team games

If Taskmaster had a sustainability theme, this would be it. Tasks and games to think creatively whilst learning about environmental and ecological issues.

An opportunity for team building, gaining knowledge and creating alternative thought patterns to problem solving.

The Challenge Bit:

Takeaway solutions for a lifestyle makeover

Here we take a look at various aspects of day-to-day life and how to eco-fy them. Based on our Impact Challenge, we will familiarise you with some of the challenges and explore them in detail. We discuss how these can be applied at home and at work. You will create eco-friendly items to take away, and we will leave you well equipped to tackle the Impact Challenge individually or as a company.

The Extras Bit:


In addition to the workshop programme, you can book any of our performances to add to the day, or for a different event.


Get in touch through if you would like to discuss bespoke sustainability consultancy for your company.

The Boring Information Bit:

All workshops can be tailored to particular requests you would like to include.

Two facilitators run the full programme.

We recommend the full programme; however, you can also book each workshop individually.

You can choose whether to complete the full programme in one day, or whether to split the sessions across multiple dates.

For rates and bookings please contact where we’ll be happy to discuss the programme and answer any queries.

Hannah Bertram