What is my carbon footprint?

Use a Carbon Footprint Calculator to calculate your carbon footprint

carbon footprint calculator.png

Your sustainable living challenge today is:

Carbon footprint calculator

Another motivational task!

Have you ever asked yourself, what is my carbon footprint? Well today’s your lucky day chaps, because you’re going to find out! Wahooooo! And that was written with not even a hint of sarcasm. Seriously though, working out your current carbon footprint is a pretty cool thing to do - no stress if it’s not the carbon footprint you were hoping and dreaming of, just use it as a motivational marker to get to where you want to be!

Check out this carbon footprint calculator to find out how many planets we would need if everyone lived like you. It's also a great tracker to see how well you're getting on with all your carbon footprint desires as you implement change.

What is my carbon footprint?

Never mind that, what is a carbon footprint?….

A carbon footprint is the amount of climate change impact that a person, a product, a business or anything creates. In reality, the ‘carbon’ part in refers to all greenhouse gases (the gases that are heating the Earth to cause the climate crisis). If you think about a footprint in the sand, a footprint is the imprint that a foot has left behind. You can think of any action you take or any product you buy as being the foot of greenhouse gases, and just how much of an impression that foot leaves is dependent upon how much the carbon and greenhouse gases are weighing it down. The lighter the foot, the better. It is worth noting that the carbon footprint of an item will take into account the supply chain and any other processes that have gone into creating that item.

All decisions we make will have an impact and it’s up to us what impact we want that to be! By being aware of our carbon footprint and the carbon footprint of the different areas of our lifestyle we can start to make informed decisions that have good impacts! So go ahead and ask yourself, what is my carbon footprint and what areas can I change to improve it? Figure it out, don’t be disheartened, be hyped for the awesome transformation you’ll make by simply creating some new habits and the amazingness you’ll be bringing to the planet!

Enjoy your sustainable living challenge:

What is my carbon footprint 

Have a fab time and remember that motivation is KEY to sustainable living - find the ways that work for you and don’t be hard on yourself. If you fancy joining a lovely supportive of network with the same aims for sustainable living and understandings that this stuff can be complex, hit up our social talks at the pub or sign up to the newsletter to come see us at our next events!

Sustainble living guides

Hannah Bertram