Switch to Green Renewable Energy

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Your sustainable living challenge today is

Switch to green renewable energy

Today make the switch to green renewable energy.

When you switch to renewable energy, you’ll be constantly reducing your carbon footprint on a daily basis, without any effort past the initial switch. Hooray!

So, let’s delve into the fun stuff…

What happens when you switch to green renewable energy? And what even is green renewable energy?

Terms in a nutshell:

Renewable Energy - from natural resources that cannot be depleted.  

Green Energy - this type of energy is always renewable (but not all renewable energy is green); it is also from natural resources and creates no negative impacts on the environment.

Clean Energy - does not produce pollution including greenhouse gases.

If you switch to renewable energy, there are various forms - some green and others not, here are a few examples:

Solar Renewable Energy - harnessing the sun’s energy through solar panels.

Wind Renewable Energy - using wind turbines to produce power, in mostly high altitude and offshore locations

Geothermal Renewable Energy - this is from the heat stored underneath the Earth’s crust.  You can experience it at hot springs!  This is not green energy as it requires drilling.

Hydro Renewable Energy - this creates energy from large waves and turbines powered by water.  This is not green energy as the construction of dams restricts animals’ access to their natural habitats.

So, why switch to green renewable energy?  Well, to be perfectly frank, (and he really knows his stuff) it’s a necessity - at the moment we use fossil fuels, coal and gas which are finite.  They will run out at some point and then we’ll be totally screwed if we haven’t got an alternative.  Besides this, they produce greenhouse gases which are making things Hot! Hot! Hot! and will cause irreversible ecological changes if we don’t act soon.  Using clean green energy is also fabulous for our health, much better than those nasty fossil fuel pollutants.

The beauty of making a switch to green renewable energy is that it’s a one-time action that continues to do good with absolutely zero extra effort on your part - it’s a total no-brainer!

Switch to green renewable energy with these energy providers…

It’s super duper cool that there are now plenty of options to make the switch to green renewable energy. 

We recommend Good Energy & Ecotricity as they both hold the Best Buy badge from Ethical Consumer!

Enjoy your sustainable living challenge:

Switch to green renewable energy

Have a fab time and remember that motivation is KEY to sustainable living - find the ways that work for you and don’t be hard on yourself. If you fancy joining a lovely supportive of network with the same aims for sustainable living and understandings that this stuff can be complex, hit up our social talks at the pub or sign up to the newsletter to come see us at our next events!

Hannah Bertram